You can't use the wall that shows the outside in WolfEdit because of a small error in design on the part of the author. To show the icons in the palette, WolfEdit uses the last three digits of the ID of the ics8 resource. These numbers correspond to the codes used in BRGR resources in the levels, which are used by Wolf3D. Inside the map portion of the BRGR resource, the same code ($8F or 143) is used to define the walls of an elevator and the lift controls (They're the same thing. Put a lift wall by itself in the middle of a level and see for yourself.). Whether the wall is the lift is determined by the presence of an object in the object table. Do I digress? Anyway, the number right above that one ($90 or 144) is used for the outside wall. Unfortunately, that number is also the icon code for the elevator controls, rendering any attempt to change it useless. (Save going into the code and chainging it)
BUT, you can still use this wall. In your new level, substitute it with a wall that isn't anywhere else. Then, go to ResEdit. Open a COPY of your level and open the BRGR resource that corresponds to your level. Select Find Hex from the Find menu. Set it to find your code (they are all listed in the Level Format document included with WolfEdit) and replace it with 90. Then save your changes